Special Tips for Recovering After Tooth Extraction

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In general, a surgeons like Dr. Robert Stemme only advocates a tooth extraction as a last resort treatment for a tooth that is too severely compromised for treatment by a root canal. This is often related to an untreated cavity, severe dental trauma or other unforeseen complications.

After suturing your gums Dr. Robert Stemme will provide you with any necessary prescriptions for pain, anti-inflammatory or antibiotic medications. They will need to be taken as directed to help you remain comfortable throughout the recovery process.

While your gums and other treated oral tissues are healing it’s best to avoid chewing food in that area of your mouth. Sticking to a diet of softer foods can also help minimize tension in your jaw muscles and temporomandibular joints. You should also avoid drinking through a straw, as it could pull a blood clot loose.

Patients might notice occasional bleeding for a few days after the extraction. In a situation like this, you can minimize the bleeding by biting down lightly on some sterile gauze. Afterward, you can cleanse your mouth by gently rinsing with a little lukewarm saltwater.

Once your gums have fully healed the staff at St. Louis County Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery can help you understand your dental restoration options. Many patients choose to have the extracted tooth replaced with a dental implant restoration.

If you are in the Chesterfield, Missouri, area and you have a severely distressed you should call 314-434-0493 to seek emergency treatment from the dental specialists at St. Louis County Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.