Is TMJ Disorder Disrupting Your Healthy Smile?

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Maintaining your oral health involves not just healthy teeth and gums, but your jaw as well. One vital element that should never be overlooked is the temporomandibular joints, also known as the TMJs. These joints are what moves your jaw correctly, and help your mouth function properly. Let’s take a look at how they impact your oral health:

– If you suffer from TMJ disorder, you might incur swelling, pain, or discomfort. Treatment for these might include using ice packs to diminish pain and applying heat packs to reduce swelling.

– If TMJ is causing your pain in the jaw, you might need to be checked for an underlying illness that could be causing it. 

– Persistent trauma to the mouth can result in TMJ disorder. Such bad habits as consistently chewing gum, eating foods that are hard, and habitually biting your nails can all worsen a TMJ disorder.

– Some patients find relief from TMJ disorders by dealing with the stress and anxiety which can be associated with TMJ disorders. Yoga and biofeedback are two common ways people reduce their anxiety.

If you would like to know more about TMJ disorders, St. Louis County Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is here to assist. For a complete diagnosis from our doctors at our offices in Missouri, you can schedule an appointment by calling 314-434-0493 today. We have three locations near you and Drs. Stemme, Weber, Weber, and Kincaid are ready to help!